What To Do When Someone Passes Away
What do I need to do now? That is a typical question that many ask after the loss of a loved one. The following points should be considered soon after someone passes away, and not all of the points may necessarily apply to all people, but many of them will.
- Obtain the decedent’s death certificate. The coroner or funeral director can assist you with this.
- If the death occurred at home, you may contact a local police officer or coroner.
- If the decedent was an organ donor, a donation of body parts and tissues should be considered.
- Notify family and friends. You may want to consider having other family members make these calls to save yourself time.
- Look for instructions which the decedent may have left regarding preferences for funeral and burial arrangements.
- Determine if the decedent belonged to a burial or memorial society that may make special arrangements for the funeral, such as military honor guards.
- Contact a funeral home concerning burial or cremation arrangements.
- Complete funeral and burial arrangements.
- Contact the Social Security Administration and any other government agencies or benefit programs that may be making payments to the decedent.
- Review the decedent’s financial and legal affairs. Look for any wills, trusts, or other estate planning documents and also the following relevant documents:
- Funeral and Burial Plans
- Safe Deposit Box Agreements and keys
- Nuptial Agreements
- Life Insurance Policies
- Pension or other Retirement Benefits
- Old tax returns
- Prior gift tax returns
- Marriage, birth, and death certificates
- Divorce documentation
- Computer records regarding books of a business or personal assets
- Bank statements, checkbooks, and similar documents
- Notes receivable
- Titles to motor vehicles
- Leases
- Securities
- Any documentation regarding business ownership or business interests
- Health insurance claim submissions for the final illness
- Unpaid bills